Overview of the COVID-19 measures in Belgium
In order to limit the economic impact of the coronavirus / COVID-19 outbreak on both businesses and the economically unemployed, several measures aimed at providing financial support have been adopted by the Belgian (federal and regional) governments. This memo provides for a summary of the fiscal and social security measures, as well as other support measures or financial incentives, which shall apply or could be made recourse to when a company is experiencing financial difficulties due to the COVID-19 outbreak, albeit limited to their core.
Un'applicazione prudente della nozione del "Center of main interest"
Leggi tutto... Un'applicazione prudente della nozione del "Center of main interest"
Con la serie “Newsletter Italian Desk – Pillole di Diritto belga” offriamo due volte l’anno brevi notizie in italiano sugli attuali sviluppi del diritto belga.